This image is from my good friend and colleague Bryan Alexander, who is actively teaching and sharing about his teaching of AI with his students at Georgetown University- he is publishing this now through his AI and education substack.
This image was used in a new post/stack AI, Help me with a difficult reading where he relays some interesting developments by his students in formulating LLM prompts to generate future scenarios.
The featured image is a variant of the one used on this site’s about page which Bryan, as a good soul, credits: “DALL-E on “Draw an artificial intelligence teaching a challenging subject in a university classroom.”
What do we make of the similarity of this image to Artificial Intelligence & AI & Machine Learning flickr photo via shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license ??
But that’s an aside. The image shared here is from the bottom of Bryan’s post, where again (good job Bryan) he at least attributes as DALL-E trying out “an AI generating hypothetical scenarios”
Yes, it’s the giant brain in front of many blue screens trope. Why is it always blue screens? And why are the classroom ones nearly always robots in front of a chalkboard?
What do you think?
Could this be even more sad?