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Ask an AI Generator to Generate a Metaphor for Itself

1 Nominally Sad2 Sort of Sad3 Mid Sad4 Sadly Sad5 Utterly Sad (No Ratings Yet)

I asked the AI Metaphor Generator to generate a metaphor for “Artificial Intelligence” to which it spat back this text “Artificial intelligence is like a digital brain, constantly…

A visualized human brain with blue light effects

The Blue Brain

1 Nominally Sad2 Sort of Sad3 Mid Sad4 Sadly Sad5 Utterly Sad (No Ratings Yet)

Dom a relevant discussion about AI metaphors “AI as a flying blue brain? How metaphors influence our visions of AI“ Why is Artificial Intelligence so commonly depicted as…

Back of a classroom view with diverse students in rows all focused on computer screens. A humanaid shaped robot teacher figure stands in between the rows, with arms out, not doing much. The front board is a high tech glowing screen full if colored circles and digital readouts.

Shiny Robot Teacher with Big Feet

1 Nominally Sad2 Sort of Sad3 Mid Sad4 Sadly Sad5 Utterly Sad (No Ratings Yet)

This image is the featured image for Unite.AI’s story “10 Best AI Tools for Education (September 2024)“: Most of the conversation surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) tools is often…

On the left a metallic robot figure five times a human gestures as if instructiong a man seated at a desk, behind is semi circular wall full of screens and displats

Our Robot Overlords

1 Nominally Sad2 Sort of Sad3 Mid Sad4 Sadly Sad5 Utterly Sad (1 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5)

This is from Bryan Alexander’s very detailed and interesting Substack piece Generative AI as simulation runner The image is typical blue screen hue, but is showing a but…

Humanid big head metal robot standing on a blurred street scene, hands folded together, staring into a shop window featuring a tiny robot and a large red heart.

Sad Robot Sadly Being Sad About Utter Loneliness

1 Nominally Sad2 Sort of Sad3 Mid Sad4 Sadly Sad5 Utterly Sad (1 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)

One might have thought this fun little SPLOT would have drawn some contributions, but alas, the internet is too full of Big Shiny Things to appreciate the small….

profile of human shaped head filled with bright blue circuitry, glowing at the eye. A large AI icon appears where an ear might be. The head appears to be connected to circuit boards behind it

The Blue Circuit Head, AI Name Plate

1 Nominally Sad2 Sort of Sad3 Mid Sad4 Sadly Sad5 Utterly Sad (1 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)

Spotted in Punch news (??? never heard of this) with title AI changing business landscape, say experts It has vague quotes not always atributed, referring as a source…

Profile of a shiny metal human shaped robot, chin resting on bent arm like the thinker

I Think Therefore I Am

1 Nominally Sad2 Sort of Sad3 Mid Sad4 Sadly Sad5 Utterly Sad (3 votes, average: 3.33 out of 5)

The lead image for a Keysight post Thoughts on AI consciousness Suggesting of course the trope of robot consciousness.  The post reads honestly like it was ChatGPT composed,…

A glowing large brain sits in aq star and planet filled night sky, looming over some kind of city scape with narrow high rises as if sitting on circuit board, A bright beam of blusish light connects the brain to a glowing humanoid shape on the streets.

Big Brain Looming Over City Scape on Circuit Board

1 Nominally Sad2 Sort of Sad3 Mid Sad4 Sadly Sad5 Utterly Sad (1 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5)

This is from some Medium piece from a site named Programmable Mutter…  I did not even read the piece called What OpenAI shares with Scientology but the “artwork”…

A giant child like blue outlined head, transprent with a glowing mechanical brain inside, is mounted on a multisided pedesdal, futuristic minature city models on top and on the sides backs of glowing blue screens of high tech things. In the background is a multistory series of more blue screens of digital content. Why are the screens always blue?

The Big Brain at Work Creating Hypotheses

1 Nominally Sad2 Sort of Sad3 Mid Sad4 Sadly Sad5 Utterly Sad (2 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)

This image is from my good friend and colleague Bryan Alexander, who is actively teaching and sharing about his teaching of AI with his students at Georgetown University-…

On the left a glistening white robot figure with a large light attached to forehead examines with some hand held instrument a brain like object encased in a metal skull

The Robot Examined the Mechanical Brain

1 Nominally Sad2 Sort of Sad3 Mid Sad4 Sadly Sad5 Utterly Sad (2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Woah here we get two tropes in one! Robots and mechanical brains. This image was used in the TechTalks article The science of (artificial) intelligence the article is…
